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Hello Everyone


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I'm new to your guys and gals place and wanted to introduce myself. I am planning on putting in a application eventually but I feel I should introduce myself before walking in your front door and saying, "Hi, I'm Adam(Whodu),I know no one knows me at all but I would like to live here now." lol if I did that at your house I would probably be looking at the floor waiting on the cops to take me to the loony bin ;).

So let me get the formal stuff out of the way.

In-Game Alias:


Real Name:

Adam Black





Games played and any experience:

I've played a lot of games over the years but only a few I was really into;


Delta Force 1:

Man this was a great game I spent most of my highschool life setting behind a computer running the 56k and tying up the phone line so my sister couldn't talk on the phone lol. I was in a few clans (they were called Squads back then lol) I played in "BRIG, Sky, DTF, 5, and I found my place including the type of clan I enjoyed being in ZW.


Rainbow 6:

I played this game for a very long time as well. I basically played it from the time it came out until people moved on to bigger and better things lol. This was the first game I played competitively and really enjoyed that as well.



I played this for a while but I only played on the "Tactical Servers"


I played this for about a month and couldn't do it anymore.


Guild Wars 2:

I'm enjoying this game pretty much just play it when my girlfriend wants to play it.



I was very surprised that I enjoyed this game as much as I did. I usually like slower paced games and tactile driven games. So when I played BF3 and realized its a good mixture of rush and tactics I started looking for that type of game.

Counter Strike GO:

This realization that my favorite FPS is a tactical and rush style game lead me to CSGO. I figured a game that has been around as long as CS deserved a look, and man I am stoked that I did. Don't get me wrong I am awful at the game but just give me time lol ;)

Did anyone refer you to us (if so, who?):


I just did a search for old gamers and found you guys lol. I have been in a few of your games and spectated you guys for a bit. You all sound like your having fun and always seem to treat everyone with respect and are just playing to have a good time. So that's why I am becoming a part of your guys forum community.


Why you want to join OSG:


I would like to eventually join your guys clan eventually but I do not want to put an application in before you guys get to know me and vise versa. But to answer the question when I found ZW in Delta Force I found the type of clan I knew I would always look for. 1.) They have to treat everyone with respect, including non clanmembers. 2.) Have plenty of active members 3. ) Play the game correctly but also put fun above all else. You guys seem to hit all of those marks and then some so that's why I would like to eventually put in a application, when the time it right.

Would you want to be in CS:GO competition:

Yes, but that is way down the road lol. Wait to you see me play and you will know how far down the road it is. Ever seen the movie Gamer ? Yea that will be about the time you guys would want me in a competition with you lol.

Steam profile:



Microphone available:

Yup, I’m pretty outgoing but kind of clam up on a mic lol so just give me time ;)


Sorry for the long post and I can't wait to see you guys and gals in game, feel free to add me on steam.



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Thanks very much for the welcomes. I am looking forward to getting in the server and playing with all of you. I had planned on playing a lot on there after I posted but my daughter broke her collarbone and single dad + 3 year old with broken bone = Handfuls lol. She's with her mom this week so hopefully I will be able to get in.

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Thanks very much for the welcomes. I am looking forward to getting in the server and playing with all of you. I had planned on playing a lot on there after I posted but my daughter broke her collarbone and single dad + 3 year old with broken bone = Handfuls lol. She's with her mom this week so hopefully I will be able to get in.

You get bonus points for being a single dad. Keep your priorities straight and we'll see you when you have time!

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