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CS:GO on Sale

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Be prepared to be patient, welcome and give advice to the influx of newbies that we're about to experience. Welcome to GO newbies!!




Hmm...15 year old son wants this. Hmm...


Would he play as Puss Jr. ?! Boots the Second? Donkeh?! That would be awesome haha.

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It was this same price during the Steam Winter Sale, so this isn't earth shattering but it's still a great price. I've already received my money in full when I preordered for 15% off.


Vanguard, he thinks my name is ridiculous and would not play along with it. I then reminded him that the Puss in Boots character showed up in Shrek 2 in 2004. I then reminded him that he was 7 years old at the time and better show some respect for the best character in the Shrek franchise, lest he get paw smacked.


My wife is awful at video games and would hate CS:GO with a passion. Christine has egged me on to get her into it and it just wouldn't work. So she would not be able to be named Fiona or whatever either. But if she ever did, I would demand a name based on her profession (she is a high school teacher in Chemistry and Forensic Science.) Something like "Chemists Do It on the Table Periodically." :D

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Pawsmacked?! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. I feel like you somehow managed to put the fear of Puss in him while keeping it age-appropriate. 


Chemists Do It on the Table Periodically...hahahaha. Well played, sir. Well played. But good luck getting her to use that one some day  :o  


That's too much funny word play for one post. I think I'm laughing my dinner back up!  :lol:

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