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Steam CS:GO Update broke my connection to the server.


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I can play on other servers, but I can't play on Old School Gamers Server.

The error is:

Opened Steam Socket NS_SERVER ( socket 1728 )
Opened Steam Socket NS_CLIENT ( socket 1716 )
Network: IP mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Unknown command "item_enable_content_streaming"
Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"
Unknown command "tr_completed_training"
Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default_download
Executing deferred connect command:
Connecting to public( ...
3.198: Sending UDP connect to public IP
Invalid GetHostVersion(), expecting 12154, got 12153
Unknown command "joingame"
Connecting to public( ...
107.020: Sending UDP connect to public IP
Invalid GetHostVersion(), expecting 12154, got 12153
Unknown command "joingame"

Anyone know how to fix it?

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ZOMG, they finally fixed it...

[quote]- Fixed 'rebuy previous' not working after the first round of rebuying.[/quote]

The rest of what was updated...

[quote] is now live. Thanks.


- Added Server Report panel. Player can use this panel to report server for things such as inappropriate content and bad performance etc.. This menu is accessible from the Pause Menu.

- Improved competitive matchmaking algorithm to further reduce wait times.

- Fixed 'rebuy previous' not working after the first round of rebuying.

- Spawn points are now randomized every round.

- Whitelisted con_filter convars for debugging.

- Fixed damage taken and given not being fully reset in modes that aren't round-based.

- Changing mp_warmuptime takes effect immediately.

- Added concommands mp_warmup_start and mp_warmup_end, which restart and early terminate warmup, respectively.

- Fixed exploit where cl_interp restrictions could be bypassed.

- Alias command no longer allows aliasing over existing convars and concommands.

- Fixed rare case of maps not matching requested game mode on dedicated servers

- The client-side headshot feedback sound no longer plays for the local client when damaging another player in the head with a grenade explosion or when shooting them in the head through another surface (penetration)

- Slightly reduced the client-side headshot feedback sound volume (spatialized sound is unaffected)

- Fixed nameplate flicker in free cam mode during demo playback.

- Fixed wall penetration on Linux dedicated servers

- Fixed exploit where grenade projectiles were used to boost teammates.

- Fixed a very rare server crash when firing a weapon.

- Improved the error message shown when finding a game fails to locate an acceptable dedicated game server formerly reported as DS.

- Improved memory management on servers with GOTV enabled.

- Changed holiday cheer level to match CS1.6.


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