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Diablo 3(LFM)


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Figured I'd start a new topic, cramming the philosophy and the opinions and whatnot on it with those who already play it just seems messy.
Sooooo if anyone else plays, Metal and I started new characters today, got to like 16 or 17 I think. So if any of you other sexy fuckers play, leave your tags and let's do it up! He's got 60s and shit, I've got 2x 28s and a 16. We're leaving our lower chars to just play with OSG. Would be fun to have more people! ^_^

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[quote name='Hollow Clipz' timestamp='1355800228' post='5549']
gotta re download... Need it to be fun though I think I might go into the hardcore scene. I need an extra "edge" playing the game
[/quote] .

Rather just crank up the monster power so you don't lose your shit when you die. xD Metal is kinda new to it so we're just playin casually until he gets a really good grasp on it before we do anything really challenging. But I'll reserve the opinionated things for the other topic. This is just for everyone that plays and wants more people to play with! ^_^

I play on one of my friends account since she was nice enough to give it to me. Everyone just add me since I'm lazy and high.


Also I'm going to be on for most of tonight if anyone gets on. Just playing on my 30ish barb near the end of norm currently.

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[quote name='Zolyrica' timestamp='1355878679' post='5610']
May have to get in touch with you. xD
It's easy as fuck haha. And you can get everything you need legally and pretty cheaply.

Oh and i was just wondering if anyone is capable of doing ubers on any mp greater then like 4? Cuz i can do it prolly up to like mp8 or mp9 on my barb and id love to do some uber runs with you guys.

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[quote name='Hollow Clipz' timestamp='1355930962' post='5650']
lol holy shiiiiiiiiiiit ZoL

Hahah I played alllll day yesterday like that! xD I have more on my Facebook, I tried CS, and League of Legends. Both are the same. hahaha. Only game that's almost totally immune to the death of a video card is Minecraft at least from what I've tried, other than maybe tetris and stuff. Even my desktop has some minor artifacting going on. It's pretty damn funny though. xD I'm hoping Habanero got around to mailing out the new one. I really should just blow him.

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yeah my computer is slowly dying i need to do somethign but the problem is im not good with computer stuff and im strapped fro cash so if anyone can give me a few pointers on which direction to go that would be greatly appriciated !!!!!

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[quote name='Goody' timestamp='1356401726' post='5781']
yeah my computer is slowly dying i need to do somethign but the problem is im not good with computer stuff and im strapped fro cash so if anyone can give me a few pointers on which direction to go that would be greatly appriciated !!!!!

what kind of symptoms you having?




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Sounds like a heat issue Goody. Do you know how to pop the case open? I'd pop it open and take a look. If that's something you don't regularly get a can of compressed air and blow out the crap that has surely built up. Also double check that your fans are working.




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  • 3 weeks later...

UH yeah cleaning your case out is a very good idea, my first system was an alienware that I didn't clean out for 4 years and then it died and I had no clue why. Eventually I got around to opening the case and just started taking stuff apart found a layer of hair and dust on the bottom of the harddrive and when I pulled it off it had an imprint of the board on it. Also, pulled about a softball size hair/dust ball out of the cpu cooler. Oh and my name on D3 is I think Dekapitator I will have to check.

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