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Optimum Rates for OSG 128 Tic Public Server

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Updated 10/2/2012
The easiest way to do this is to create an autoexec.cfg file in this location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg\[/CODE]In that file paste in the following:[CODE]cl_cmdrate "128"cl_updaterate "128"cl_interp "0"cl_interp_ratio "2"fps_max "300"rate "128000"[/CODE]Save the file. Then open up your config.cfg in this location:[CODE]C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg\[/CODE]At the very end of the file add exec autoexec.cfgSave it and restart your game, and you are good to go.

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[quote name='Metal' timestamp='1347027013' post='417']
I could be wrong but these are the settings for a 100tic server not a 128tic.

I can update, you mentioned better results with cl_cmdrate 128 and updaterate 128 right? Rate also 80k?

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Been messing with the rates a bit and with cl_updaterate 101, cl_cmdrate 101, and cl_interp_ratio 1 this is what the graph looks like.

up, cmd, and lerp are all orange, Not really sure what that means, but I think it means it is not optimal.

With cl_updaterate 128 and cl_cmdrate 128 and cl_interp_ratio 1 looks like this.

up and cmd are white now, but lerp is still orange.

With cl_updaterate 128 and cl_cmdrate 128 and cl_interp_ratio 2 looks like this.

Now all 3 are white, but lerp went up to 15.6ms from 7.8ms. I always thought that you wanted lerp as low as possiable, but not really sure. Not even sure if its that big of a deal, I usually just turn net_graph off because I usually end up worrying about it to much.

Also, rate was kept at 30000 and cl_interp was set to 0, The server ends up setting interp to some small number, but was kept the same in all 3 screenshoots.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a lot of debate on the Steam forums about using cl_interp_ratio 1 on anything but a 10 man 128 tic competitive (scrim) server.

Search for Kiloswiss's posts for the details on this. He convinced me with his argument and honestly I get better hit reg with cl_interp_ratio 2. I am very attuned to notice hit reg mainly because I awp/scout a lot and have for a long time.

Here is the link to his config: [url="http://kiloswiss.ch/CSGO/autoexec.cfg"]http://kiloswiss.ch/CSGO/autoexec.cfg[/url]

I don't use the whole config, but I do use his network rates and interp settings.

I can post up my config when I get on my gaming machine. It's not as detailed as Kilo's but it is a very good one and works well for me. :)

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[quote name='Gallitin' timestamp='1349197266' post='1249']
Yes you are correct MJ I just updated mine and wow what a difference.

I noticed the difference immediately too when I switched from 1 to 2.

Here is my autoexec.cfg if anyone is interested:

// removes arm shifting during crouching
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0"
//Default 1.5
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0"
//Default 0.75
// removes weapon bobbing
cl_bob_lower_amt "0"
//Default 21
cl_bobamt_lat "0"
//Default 0.4
cl_bobamt_vert "0"
//Default 0.25
cl_bobcycle "2"
//Default 0.98
alias +cjump "+jump; wait; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; wait; -duck"
bind "SPACE" "+cjump"
//Radio Menu 1 key toggle
alias radcycle "radc1"
alias radc1 "radio1; alias radcycle radc2"
alias radc2 "radio2; alias radcycle radc3"
alias radc3 "radio3; alias radcycle radc1"
bind "z" "radcycle"
//Radio binds
bind "p" "coverme"
bind kp_leftarrow "needbackup"
bind kp_5 "sectorclear"
bind kp_rightarrow "roger"
bind kp_downarrow "go"
bind kp_pgdn "fallback"
bind kp_end "inposition"
bind kp_del "report"
bind kp_slash "negative"
bind kp_ins "enemyspot"
//buy binds
// M4
bind kp_home "buy m4a1; buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy defuser; buy hegrenade; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang"
// AK
bind kp_pgup "buy ak47; buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy hegrenade; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang"
// MISC no gun
bind kp_uparrow "buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy defuser; buy hegrenade; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade"
// AWP
bind kp_plus "buy awp; buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy defuser; buy hegrenade; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang"
//Rates & Interp
rate 80000
cl_cmdrate 128
cl_updaterate 128
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 2
bind "l" "say lol"
bind "o" "say sorry"
bind "." "toggle net_graph 0 1 3"
cl_show_achievement_popups 0
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0
hud_showtargetid 1
cl_autohelp 0
cl_showhelp 0
cl_spec_mode 0
cl_autowepswitch "0"
// Sound and Music off
snd_mixahead "0.05"
snd_headphone_pan_exponent "2"
snd_musicvolume "0"
net_graph 1
fps_max 300
// or 150 above works well too
// line below insures settings are saved in config
echo AUTOEXEC.CFG finished.

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[quote name='atari' timestamp='1349726100' post='1627']
does anyone find that no matter what you set your cl_updaterate to, it always reverts back to 64 after launching the game?

Putting in [b][i]host_writeconfig[/i][/b] as the last line in your autoexec.cfg file will insure that all settings are retained, no matter what happens on the config.cfg side of things. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i may be able to shed some light on this subject. I have only played roughly 15~ hours but I do notice a lot of people with terrible interp, and this directly corresponds to hitting low angle shots only a few inches away from the corner and "killing you before you even see them"

its already been stated you want to match your rates to the servers for the best up/down send/receive aka registry.

[color=#000000]cl_cmdrate [/color][color=#008800]"128" - [color=#DDDDDD]Maximum Command Packets per second, sending to the Server. Setting this higher than your average FPS is said to hurt registry.[/color][/color]
[color=#000000]cl_updaterate [/color][color=#008800]"128"[/color][color=#DDDDDD]- Maximum number of Update Packets per second, received from the Server. Gets adjusted by the Servers TickRate if TR<cl_updaterate[/color]

When looking at the detailed version of net_graph, youll notice that setting your "rate" past a certain point hurts more than helps.
the games data and bandwidth requirements are low enough that 35000 is enough for the average player. if your able to go higher and not have any spikes in your graph then it will run a bit smoother. its based on your network and the servers network.

[color=#000000]rate [/color][color=#008800]"35000" -[/color][color=#DDDDDD]Maximum Download Bandwidth in byte per second.[/color]

As for interp and interp_ratio, iv read though these post and seeing alot of mixed information. I am not going to get into what interp is, you can google that. Interp_ratio is dirrectly effected by the server. the ratio its referring to is 1/64 2/100. meaning if your rates are matched to the servers, which are 128. you want your ratio to be 1, because 2x64= 128 and allows that much data to be allocated for interp. if you set it to 2/100 and all your rates are 128, your basically overstretching your rates and undercutting the accepted values, causing more performance loss.

With my experience in this server these are optimal interp settings.

[color=#000000]cl_interp_ratio [/color][color=#008800]"1" -[color=#DDDDDD]Ratio of interpolation Time. cl_interp_ratio : cl_updaterate = cl_interp -> lerp in ms[/color][/color]
[color=#000000]cl_interp [/color][color=#008800]"0"[/color]

as far as FPS_MAX goes, the game engine cant render more than 128fps if the game itself only runs at that. if you have a 120hz monitor you want to set it to fps_max 240. because your monitor can see it, thats why they are 300+$. CRT's that reach 144hz can only see 128. "Feeling smoother" is all in your head.


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Wow I don't know how I never noticed this thread before but I was going to post some things about rates and such since some people were having trouble with it on the server.

For example, there was some kid jumping around with

Rate 7500 (lol)
cmdrate 100
updaterate 100
interp ratio 2

I almost cried at how bad he must be seeing things. Anyways he got it fixed and had a better time but I wanted to clear up some things I was seeing in these posts.
[quote]*disclaimer* I do not claim to be in expert in this field this is just a wealth of knowledge I have built up over the years of playing CS, for the most part I have tried many different numbers and come up with what seems to work well for me and many other players *disclaimer*[/quote]

Number 1 "Rates"

There is a lot of debate about rates and some say you will never need over 30000 or 35000 which is wrong. This will give you a decent amount of choke, anywhere between 5-10% which you want to be 0. Your rate is the amount of maximum download bandwidth you're able to get. The game is set default to 80000 for a reason, if you have a decent cable/dsl connection you need this to be at 80000. With huge servers (64 zombie servers or something) and many plugins I would tell people to even double it. (not for our server though)

if you have it to 128000 thats fine since its just the maximum amount it can go to. The point of rates is not to set it too low.

Number 2 "cmdrate & updaterate"

This has both to do with both the server and the persons computer. We no longer live in the 1.6 days with the standard values of 101 across the board. Now servers are either 64 or 128 tick rates. If a server has 64 tickrate then obviously you should set your cmd and update rates to that number.

However, if the server is 128 then you can set it to either 64 or 128. If you are on a good computer that constantly gets over 128 fps then your rates should be 128. If not and you struggle with ~100 or 80-120 range you should be using these settings:
This is for our server if you have a bad connection and/or lower fps
rate 80000
cl_cmdrate 64
cl_updaterate 64
cl_interp_ratio 2 // Explained later (don't set to 1)

This is for our server if you have a good connection and high fps
rate 80000
cl_cmdrate 128
cl_updaterate 128
cl_interp_ratio 1

With these settings you will be able to perform better in servers and frame and packet loss will not be as noticeable.

Number 3 "Interp Ratio"
Ah yes the interp ratio... Everyone and their mother has thirty opinions on this one too. Everyone knows interp ratio 0 makes no sense and every server restricts this value to 1 or 2 anyways.

cl_interp_ratio 1 - Mostly everyone should be using this. You have a good internet connection and play on a server near you < 50 ping. You also have good FPS > 128 and the server you play on isn't chalk full of plugins and mods. I believe our server is very clean with just sourcemod for controlling it. Even though it is a 32 man our pub is pretty good and responds well you are only hurting yourself by using 2.

cl_interp_ratio 2 - Pretty much the opposite of 1. Bigger pings, lower fps, and huge servers with a lot of plugins. Most competitive leagues will ban this because they think you are a "noob" and are trying to interp people. They don't understand whats happening and networking at all so shame on them. By setting your interp ratio to 2 you are causing yourself (again if you have a good connection, fps etc....) to be at a disadvantage. You should be recieving packet date twice as fast and this will make you see people slightly later then they see you.

Interp ratio ties in with lerp which should be as low as possible without being red. I try to get my lerp set to an orange 7.8 whichever server I'm playing. Again, that is because I have a good internet connection, good fps, etc..

If you seem to get better reg with ratio set to 2 and ~15 lerp then play that way.

When lerp is red (toooo low) you are seeing yourself hit a player but then that player is running around with 100 Health which isnt cool. When lerp is white I tend to notice my hitboxes are not as accurate as they should be. To give you an example of what you would see with high lerp is kind of like the flashing around effect when a player is lagging across the screen. You point and shoot but you seem to be hitting air, when that person stops moving everything catches up and you are able to kill them.

I am very accurate when lerp is an orange 7.8 so I play that way.

Another thing to remember when you guys are claiming to have bad reg or you seem like it may be better on one setting or another may be another players fault as well. If they have bad settings and are hopping around your screen you wont be able to hit them correctly since they are not sending/recieving data correctly.

Number 4 "fps max"
This is also conditional - you can really only get the amount of frames your server tick rate is at... "Technically"

That being said with the information being sent over the network there is always going to be frames dropped and lost. So if you play at 64 tickrate your max should be at like 80-100. 128 tickrate should be at around 150-200. I have an ok cpu i3-2100 dual core 3.1ghz (This game is HEAVILY cpu dependent) and get around 100-200 constantly in the 32 man pub and 200+ in 5v5 so I just leave my default fps max at 300 which most people should have it on.

I hope this info helps.

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Clipz, any chance you would help me create an autoexec file? I just need one to set my rates when I load up the game. I'm running a very good computer with a fast connection, if that helps at all.

We need to scrim some more! I've made quite a few changes to my setup: Installed my Razer software so I can control the sensitivity, and as a result it lowered my in-game sensitivity immensely. I'm also contemplating getting a new (ie. better) mouse pad.

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Guys stop acting like this is rocket-science. Those things won't skill you up. My dl/up-rates are 100. My Rate is 25000. (Those values are oldschool!). And additional i got ALWAYS over 120 ping (European, yes.). And still i rage.
So instead of wasting your time with this - train. 100 tick-rate 128-tickrate, who cares.

EDIT: BTW - you dont need to call autoexec.cfg in config.cfg as autoexec.cfg automatically executes (lol). You just need to create this file. Calling it from config woul execute it twice. Also you dont even have to use autoexec IF you always play at the same server. I even think it doesn't change if you get into a server with other values (as those will be setted on the client just temporially - i think).


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[quote name='Jizb!' timestamp='1352088323' post='2891']
Guys stop acting like this is rocket-science. Those things won't skill you up. My dl/up-rates are 100. My Rate is 25000. (Those values are oldschool!). And additional i got ALWAYS over 120 ping (European, yes.). And still i rage.
So instead of wasting your time with this - train. 100 tick-rate 128-tickrate, who cares.

EDIT: BTW - you dont need to call autoexec.cfg in config.cfg as autoexec.cfg automatically executes (lol). You just need to create this file. Calling it from config woul execute it twice. Also you dont even have to use autoexec IF you always play at the same server. I even think it doesn't change if you get into a server with other values (as those will be setted on the client just temporially - i think).


No you need them in a .cfg file or the server will change them when you join. For some reason you can't change them in console either. The purpose of Autoexec is to keep the custom changes separate from stock stuff in the config.cfg. Rates do make a big difference if you have a machine that is powerful enough.

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First of all, Gallitin, the DL/UP-rate doesn't have to do anything with the power of your PC. It just manages the rate of communication per unit (Packet stuff...).
Now Hallow, you are right, settings are important. But now it comes: There is no big difference as an example between 100tick and 128tick. Well actually there is but this is not getting uns more efficiency AS all players Ping/Latency as well as the DL/UP-flow are NOT the same. So playing around with the servers tick rate just might result a better accuracy for one player while another player might looses a bit of it. Not same internet and location bro. So trying to find a good setting which works globally won't work. And clientsided it also doesn't bring THAT MUCH advandage.
The video posted in this thread btw is the interpolation. I recommend you not to touch this.

Oh btw, I'm a IT-Professional (called in the us i think) and a programmer. So I know a bit 'bout math and physics. Oh, and i am not attacking you guys. Just wanted you to save time.


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