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I just have to get this off my chest....


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America's Team used to be the Dallas Cowboys in the 90's because of Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith. New Orleans threatened to gain that status 3 years ago when they won the Super Bowl, but has since fallen flat on its face with the whole "BountyGate" scandal within the team and coaches and management.

There is no "America's Team" right now.

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[quote name='Gallitin' timestamp='1352161845' post='2946']
How do you get the title?

Take America by storm with talent, the results and the charismatic stars that are marketable. Honestly, the closest resemblance right now is Green Bay with Aaron Rodgers, Clay Matthews and BJ Raji.

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its all about the NBA!

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no dallas
[quote name='Puss in Boots' timestamp='1352161789' post='2945']
America's Team used to be the Dallas Cowboys in the 90's because of Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith. New Orleans threatened to gain that status 3 years ago when they won the Super Bowl, but has since fallen flat on its face with the whole "BountyGate" scandal within the team and coaches and management.

There is no "America's Team" right now.

I have no idea where this came from but that is absolute nonsense. Americas Team is the Dallas Cowboys. The announcer in 79 said, "These are the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team" and it stuck ever since.

Completely lost at how a team gains the title since its been around since that year. I watch every Dallas Game and even the one I saw yesterday they said Americas Team. It is not a name you gain or lose, the name refers to the Dallas Cowboys and no one else.

That definitely doesnt mean people haven't tried to steal it. Packers wanted it to be based off of shareholders since they have so many people that "own" the packers. Saints wanted it because of the superbowl win after katrina, then the Bills said they wear red white and blue so they should have it then the Pats wanted it after they won so many superbowls in the new milenium. Everyone wants it but the true reason was the announcer in 79 dubbing them "Americas Team" because of the crazy amount of fans they had, even at away games. Probably also due to the fact that they had almost every game nationally televised.

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[quote name='Hollow Clipz' timestamp='1352185165' post='2981']
no dallas

I have no idea where this came from but that is absolute nonsense. Americas Team is the Dallas Cowboys. The announcer in 79 said, "These are the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team" and it stuck ever since.

Completely lost at how a team gains the title since its been around since that year. I watch every Dallas Game and even the one I saw yesterday they said Americas Team. It is not a name you gain or lose, the name refers to the Dallas Cowboys and no one else.

That definitely doesnt mean people haven't tried to steal it. Packers wanted it to be based off of shareholders since they have so many people that "own" the packers. Saints wanted it because of the superbowl win after katrina, then the Bills said they wear red white and blue so they should have it then the Pats wanted it after they won so many superbowls in the new milenium. Everyone wants it but the true reason was the announcer in 79 dubbing them "Americas Team" because of the crazy amount of fans they had, even at away games. Probably also due to the fact that they had almost every game nationally televised.

If you are basing their status as America's Team simply because an announcer for them coined the term in 1979, then that's fine. I won't take that away from you. But the Cowboys of the 90's were likable. The Cowboys now are villified universally except for Texas and Oklahoma pretty much. They do not have a likable cast of players and Jerry Jones has unofficially taken over for Al Davis. And you know why. ;)

But seriously, claiming that the Cowboys are still "America's Team" makes no sense. At least my local Red Wings can say they have been to the playoffs over 20 years in a row and we gave ourselves the name "Hockeytown." It pisses people off, yet every road game has a strong Red Wing fan presence.

All the Cowboys need to do is stop being "middle of the pack" in results. They either tank and get high draft picks to get good or they either play to their potential and the players stop acting like idiots off the field and become likable. It's about actions, not a label from 33 years ago. Once the Red Wings get bad again (which should be soon), I wouldn't call us "Hockeytown" anymore.

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I've been a cowboys fan all my life. Americas Team doesnt mean you are good or not just a name that has stuck with them since forever. I'm kind of confused right now because this isnt my opinion. How long have you watched football?

This is kind of serious because I have no idea what you're talking about lol.

I mean there is in no way shape or form another team is "America's Team". That is pure fact and never changing so I am reallly confused right now >.<
The only thing I can think of is if you saw or heard announcers talking about "Should this team be called America's Team" But that is just a statement to get fans fired up. Announcers still to this day say "Americas Team" for the Dallas Cowboys and no one else.

And those that are saying Romo is overrated is completely true. Guy is trash. I don't blame it on him this season though. Garretts offensive play calling has been the most horrendus I have seen in awhile. It tells you something when they can't do anything for the majority of quarters and then switch to no huddle and drive down the field in less then 3 minutes with a score.

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What I am saying is, the Cowboys having the nickname "America's Team" has been rejected for quite some time by almost everyone outside of Texas and Oklahoma. People outside of that area hijacked it from being a nickname to actually having meaning outside of its historical coining.

I'm 29 and I've been a football fan since age 12, so 17 years. I'm not making this up. NO ONE in the midwest acknowledges the Cowboys as America's Team. I have family in California that bitterly asserts that despite that film, the 49ers of the early to mid-90's was more likable and overall better and deserved to take it away.

I'm a Lions fan, so it's not like I'm being biased here. We have Stafford and Johnson - both are likable but the team hasn't won anything.

That's why I'm comparing the nickname "America's Team" to "Hockeytown." Dallas hasn't done anything to win America's heart in forever and once the Wings go south, the same will be said for them. Nicknames can and should be passed on like torches regardless of who was first in history.

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