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Sooo got back from my second neurologist visit...


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Looks like good old ZoLy gets to have an Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion done.

Basically it's pretty brutal, they cut my abdomen open low enough to get to my Lumbar 5 Sacral 2 area(just above the coccyx or tailbone). Then remove my the old disc and place a sturdy plastic type cage in there and close me up, flip me over and go at it from the back to put screws into my spine to prevent slipping of the vertebrae which is what got me in this mess in the first place.

Go me! -.-'

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That sucks man... I've got Lumbar Disc Displacement going ... basically there's a tear in the L3 disc, but I'm not a surgical candidate yet all I can do is get cortisol-steroid injections (like the ones that lead to the meningitis out break... so yah, i don't know when I'm gonna get another one) and live off of pain killers and muscle relaxers for another 5 years till they're willing to do surgery. So I feel your pain and hope you heal quickly!




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What led to it was just years of abuse from working in retail as a teen and playing football. K1tty I wouldn't worry about the meningitis issue, that was only one company and it isn't certain your provider was purchasing their shots from that company, just ask man, that's what I did, but the shots weren't an option because that point had been passed already, my doc was telling me about how that company is being sued by the government and what not, they dun goofed. The surgery if I decide to get it(if I don't I'll be in constant pain my entire life) will be in late January. I'm not gay, have you seen Fusion? I think having him inside me one time for a few hours would still count as college aged experimentation. ;) Lolololimsonotgaybutittotallylookslikeiambecausewtfdamn Thanks for the good wishes all, now to play some csgo! xD

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Dang sorry to hear that :( I know my knees are poop from playing soccer for 13 years (both indoor and outdoor) and they ache all the time during the winter but that's nothing compared to this. Glad to see there is a solution to it.

Also, it's only gay if balls are touching. So no tummy sticks games.

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[quote name='Element99' timestamp='1354788495' post='4889']
see, my sleepy mind is already working overtime this morning fusion. now im picturing sexy music playing in the operation room :P

and guys swinging their scrubs over there head standing on the operating table?

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Pffft that's no way to party fusion, I'll bring a keg and a shit ton of snacks. lololol. Thanks all the others who wished me well. As for going to physical therapy, i had months of that shit and it just made things worse, the electroshock therapy was nice, but traction just caused more slipping.

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