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End Of Round Slaying

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My favorite server during CS:S (or maybe it was 1.6) was a 32 player server that would slay any alive players on the losing team at the end of a round. This always prevented players from just camping out the end of a round (CTs would always try for bomb, no matter the odds; Ts would always frantically try to plant, regardless of the odds). I realize this is a pretty extreme change to the server, but i thought it was at least an interesting topic to bring up. I loved it, but i'm also one who doesn't care about score or the team I join at the start of a round. I'm often the first one rushing as well, so any chance to have others join me, or at the least not camp spawn to get their KD up, is always a pro for me.

[EDIT] I should mention this was a mod added to the server, and wasn't slaying done by admins or anything.

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I personally think this will kill server traffic. We aren't #30 out of all servers for nothing and camping can be addressed on an as-needed basis. Sometimes alive members of the losing team TRY to do objective but there are too many enemies and it strategically makes no sense for them to rush to their death if they are in a firefight trying to do objective, only to get slayed for staying alive and not completing objective.

This is a server killer. Trust me. Seen it in 1.6. When teams are stacked, it frustrates the losing team more and just causes them to leave.

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I've played on a few servers that have this mod. I don't like it. When you're on a team that doesn't ever win a round, having to rebuy weapons the next round can be painful. Especially when you're in a situation where there's was no way for you to win the round anyhow. Even though I try to complete the objectives, there are times that I know it fruitless and saving my weapon ensures that I'm not gimped the next round, especially if I were already hurting for buy money.

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i'm still here!
i still like it. although i haven't played on a server with it in awhile, so maybe my opinions will have changed if i tried it.

this was mostly inspired by a few frustrating maps i played the other day.

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Totally understand frustrations from camping and not trying to complete objective. As our current members "age" within the clan they (and you) will get increased admin which you can then send messages over the server to tell people to get moving or get slapped. I generally remind people to get the bomb or defuse or whatever and they get the point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say we keep to manual slaying. I usually understand if the person camps the round out if they have a good gun and are against 6-7 enemies (I usually go for it but im a crazy mofo :P)... this would cause less traffic.

Is there a slay all members of one team command? That would be useful for the times slaying everyone is appropriate.... like 3v4 and they are camping or something.


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Just a suggestion but why not test it out, if you can adjust the server settings for maybe a day or two and possibly put an motd when joining the server letting people know that you are testing out slaying at the end of rounds you could possibly monitor and determine whether your population drops below average or goes up. I mean what is the worst that could happen? You should look into some risk analysis and determine if its an acceptable approach.

Just another note for those who worry about teams getting destroyed and trying to save weapons its dumb. You are on a public server so people want to have fun and most people don't like to wait for rounds to end especially if they died at the start of the round (I don't mind because most of the time I am drinking). If you are concerned with this maybe implement a team scramble or as I mentioned above test it out on the server and see if it affects your rankings or population.

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Because it only takes a test to kill the server.... Oh and I barely read the MOTD, im sure other people don't as well.

Oh and people NEVER like getting slayed "for no reason". Hell they could be rushing the bombsite trying to get it down, JUST BARELY miss the bomb plant and get slayed.

We won't have this on our server.


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