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Mind The Multiplayer Gap - article


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If you got a minute or two to kill give this article a read. It made me chuckle ;)

"On one side of the abyss is a group of gamers so advanced and elite that they can merrily jostle with each other for supremacy, share best practise advice, emergent strategies and scoff at those adopting poor strategy or cheap scorned tactics."
[url="http://www.bit-tech.net/blog/gaming/2013/01/31/mind-the-multiplayer-gap/"]Mind The Multiplayer Gap[/url]

I'm sure a majority of us have had those times in our lives when we've been logging 25+ hours a week. Enjoying our favourite multiplayer game, honing our skill. How do you cope with your full time job, girlfriend/wife, kids, social life and whatever else? Which do you neglect the most for the love of the game?

Myself, would have to say there is a clear cut side of the abyss I reside on. As a result, it's definitely a bit of my social life that suffers "OMFG was I not shooting him?!"

How about everyone else?
Purely casual, couple hours a week?
Maybe you're one of those people that is currently trying to jump the gap. Lets hear what brings you back time and time again to the those online multiplayer servers.

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In a perfect world we could all play video games as much as we want to. However life doesn't work that way. Work all day, gym, social life, gf then maybe if there's time... games. My gf knows I like to play.. its a pretty big stress reliever for me. I try to play 3-4 nights a week. Its tough... especially when you're living with your significant other that doesn't really game lol.

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[quote name='SylenT' timestamp='1359638587' post='7776']
In a perfect world we could all play video games as much as we want to. However life doesn't work that way. Work all day, gym, social life, gf then maybe if there's time... games. My gf knows I like to play.. its a pretty big stress reliever for me. I try to play 3-4 nights a week. Its tough... especially when you're living with your significant other that doesn't really game lol.

Trust me, even if both people in a relationship game, it's still difficult. Van's always nagging me to spend alone time with him. Hahahahahahhaa

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[quote name='JAYkr' timestamp='1359651817' post='7784']
I am 25yr old weigh 415lbs that pwns people all day everyday. I eat sleep and cs on my bed. I fall asleep watching cs videos.

Come at me bro


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[quote name='gplaydee' timestamp='1359645010' post='7781']
Trust me, even if both people in a relationship game, it's still difficult. Van's always nagging me to spend alone time with him. Hahahahahahhaa

No doubt.. its always tough and you always have to have "alone" time (don't deprive van of that ever! :P). But its definitely easier for both of you to say you wanna go play cs because its a common interest.

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I play games whenever I have spare time, or I'm not watching a movie or reading a book. My problem is that I have ADHD when it comes to games and I have to jump back and forth between them or I get bored. Therefore, I am never going to be the best at any game. :unsure:

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It's understandable that managing work and play can be tough, and this doesn't just apply to video games. Juggling all aspects of life (i.e. leisure, work, school, relationships, errands...) is part of what most people deal with everyday. Like others have mentioned above, I like to use video games as a stress reliever. Therefore, I always tell myself:

"If you're [b]not [/b]having [u]fun[/u], then it isn't [i]a game[/i] to you anymore."

This doesn't mean that I'm not competitive or that I don't ever spazz at the occasional random kill. But it's a good rule of thumb to follow for me. Of course, things like managing a server or community (like I've done from 1999 until recently) can complicate that at times, but generally the motivation for me to do the work is the fun that I have with the game, the people I interact with, the atmosphere, etc.

What makes me think that the writer of this article is taking things too seriously is:

[color=#222222][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I don’t like multiplayer games with strangers because I don’t want to spend my leisure time being shouted at by people too young or fortunate to not need full time jobs and financial responsibilities. I’m also not keen on multiplayer games with my friends because skill mismatches often get a little awkward after a while one way or another. [/background][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#222222][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]If I’m not a complete oddity or freak (which is possible)...[/background][/size][/font][/color]

It seems like he's thinking a little too much, and getting a little too peeved. Or maybe taking the games too seriously. I mean, he produced an entire article that amounts to fears (of losing single player game modes) and rants (about being at a disadvantage because of the skill gap.) I started playing with real life friends, some of us sucked while others were naturals; some got much better over time, others never progressed, and others still stopped playing altogether. Even when it's an online community, players, personalities, skill levels, ages, and everything else are generally varied.

This guy almost seems annoyed at variation (yay evolution and biology!) which is something that is unlikely to disappear any time soon. So I got a chuckle out of it, too.

The different people I encounter shape the atmosphere, and they are what makes this game and community interesting. That's the only thing that brings me back time after time. It kept me stuck on 1.6 for quite a few years, even as it was aging dreadfully.

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[quote name='Vanguard' timestamp='1359666764' post='7835']
It's understandable that managing work and play can be tough, and this doesn't just apply to video games. Juggling all aspects of life (i.e. leisure, work, school, relationships, errands...) is part of what most people deal with everyday. Like others have mentioned above, I like to use video games as a stress reliever. Therefore, I always tell myself:

"If you're [b]not [/b]having [u]fun[/u], then it isn't [i]a game[/i] to you anymore."

This doesn't mean that I'm not competitive or that I don't ever spazz at the occasional random kill. But it's a good rule of thumb to follow for me. Of course, things like managing a server or community (like I've done from 1999 until recently) can complicate that at times, but generally the motivation for me to do the work is the fun that I have with the game, the people I interact with, the atmosphere, etc.

What makes me think that the writer of this article is taking things too seriously is:

[color=#222222][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(255,255,255)]I don’t like multiplayer games with strangers because I don’t want to spend my leisure time being shouted at by people too young or fortunate to not need full time jobs and financial responsibilities. I’m also not keen on multiplayer games with my friends because skill mismatches often get a little awkward after a while one way or another. [/background][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#222222][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(255,255,255)]If I’m not a complete oddity or freak (which is possible)...[/background][/size][/font][/color]

It seems like he's thinking a little too much, and getting a little too peeved. Or maybe taking the games too seriously. I mean, he produced an entire article that amounts to fears (of losing single player game modes) and rants (about being at a disadvantage because of the skill gap.) I started playing with real life friends, some of us sucked while others were naturals; some got much better over time, others never progressed, and others still stopped playing altogether. Even when it's an online community, players, personalities, skill levels, ages, and everything else are generally varied.

This guy almost seems annoyed at variation (yay evolution and biology!), which is something that is unlikely to disappear any time soon. So I got a chuckle out of it, too.

The different people I encounter shape the atmosphere, and they are what makes this game and community interesting. That's the only thing that brings me back time after time. It kept me stuck on 1.6 for quite a few years, even as it was aging dreadfully.

That, and me, right?! :o

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[quote name='Vanguard' timestamp='1359666764' post='7835']
The different people I encounter shape the atmosphere, and they are what makes this game and community interesting. That's the only thing that brings me back time after time. It kept me stuck on 1.6 for quite a few years, even as it was aging dreadfully.

Fuck yeah :)

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[quote name='SylenT' timestamp='1359638587' post='7776']
In a perfect world we could all play video games as much as we want to. However life doesn't work that way. Work all day, gym, social life, gf then maybe if there's time... games. My gf knows I like to play.. its a pretty big stress reliever for me. I try to play 3-4 nights a week. Its tough... especially when you're living with your significant other that doesn't really game lol.

Goon and I play alot but even when you play the same games, it doesn't always mean you are going to want to play the same thing. there are weeks that all he wants to play is dota2 and im all into my reading books. You have to learn to balance everything. I think of it in the same way that people think of walking and chewing gum at the same time :)

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Having a wife that plays game is great... Most of the time. We can sit back have a couple of beers and play in the server. But there are times where I want to play one thing and she wants to play another and we both feel like the game is useless without the other.. >.> I used to be on the hardcore side of gaming very much. It was school a part time job and CSS That was my life. Now I have to much responsibilties at work and trying to get certified so I can make a better life for Ele and I to play like I used to but I still enjoy the game mainly for the people I play with, so I can agree completely with what poeple said before that community is everything with online gaming.

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