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SO! This is about a month and half I've been playing CS (any version, ever) and I was wondering, do you guys read up anywhere or use anything to improve your game? 


I'm so used to games like Tribes and TF2 that root from this Unreal Tournament or Quake fast paced play and immediate respawn that I get impatient. What are some CS no brainers that I do wrong.


I try to check corners, have the maps down fairly well, and am getting better at firing against the recoil. I don't think I'm the worst, but I seldom have a K:D over 1.

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F10 brings up some nice ingame tips.








Seriously tho, prefiring any position that requires you to peak.  To many pesky awpers to peak then react, instead react as you peak.  


Pay attention to your radar and any and all sounds you hear and learn to correspond those sounds to your position on the radar and surrounding obstacles. 



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Ok #1 don't judge your perfomance in the pub at all because it means nothing. 15 v 15 if you're doing good then cool you're mostly camping or ppl are bad, if you are doing bad then you are being an entry guy and running in to shoot people or you are mostly camping and cant shoot. Play more 5v5 to see how you do and go forward from there.


So how do you increase your game?

Hmm. Depends on the part of the game you are looking at so let me break it down for you.



There is only one way to improve your aim and that is to get mouse settings and sensitivity you are comfortable with and deathmatch.... a lot. When I wanted to improve my game I would do 150/150/50 AK M4 AWP respectively. If I didn't want or couldn't spend that much time its 75/75/35 or 150/150 because I tend to be naturally good awping.


This is just RAW aiming skills. 


Pre-Aiming - Probably the most important part of Counter Strike

When you play 5v5 you have people in mumble or vent with you so you are constantly able to talk to each other. If someone dies and they see someone holding a spot then they can call it out and obviously you can just pre-aim that spot. Most importantly is when you don't know where people are and you pre-aim corners correctly. Most of the time it just comes down to you knowing the spots people play in matches and can pre-aim accordingly but if many people pre-aim differently depending on the corners/angles/opponent weapon. Generally you want to come out of a corner or spot looking for a place someone is and not looking at the ground / random wall. You want to minimize your flick shots as much as possible


Go to 1:00 and watch rest of video - watch some more pro tip vids too they are all usefull





Having teamwork and communication is what separates many teams. Many teams have better players skill wise, but dont play well as a team so they get stomped on




Nothing works better then what pros do. Watch GOTV, TwitchTV and older demos to see the strats they pull off. (They have ridiculous shots so I am always weary of calling one of them if it requires an awesome entry frag)



Pugs/10 Mans 


You need to actually play 5v5 to get really good and have game sense, know the common spots, and work well with teammates.


I think ill set up a forum thread if you want to be on the list to 10man that way we can get something going almost every other night or something to get people more involved with osg members or more in house scrims

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Seriously tho, prefiring any position that requires you to peak.  To many pesky awpers to peak then react, instead react as you peak.  



Pre-Aiming - Probably the most important part of Counter Strike

When you play 5v5 you have people in mumble or vent with you so you are constantly able to talk to each other. If someone dies and they see someone holding a spot then they can call it out and obviously you can just pre-aim that spot. Most importantly is when you don't know where people are and you pre-aim corners correctly. Most of the time it just comes down to you knowing the spots people play in matches and can pre-aim accordingly but if many people pre-aim differently depending on the corners/angles/opponent weapon. Generally you want to come out of a corner or spot looking for a place someone is and not looking at the ground / random wall. You want to minimize your flick shots as much as possible


That's one thing I've noticed, there are a decent number of players that will turn a corner a fire blindly to a spot that people always are. I learned from that: don't stand in those spots. But what I should start doing is what they do, learn the spots and do the same. I've start, especially early in the round to fire some "suppressing" shots down the bottlenecks, duck and run between cover firing down hallways. But I get hit alot hiding in the best place I can find, which is usually were they fire first.





There is only one way to improve your aim and that is to get mouse settings and sensitivity you are comfortable with and deathmatch.... a lot. When I wanted to improve my game I would do 150/150/50 AK M4 AWP respectively. If I didn't want or couldn't spend that much time its 75/75/35 or 150/150 because I tend to be naturally good awping.


It's been difficult practicing! I guess I should play more deathmatch so I get more time in. I usually go for the SG or AUG because they're easy aiming and accurate, but then someone guns me down with an AK from, what to me, is a ridiculous distance, I can't hit shit with it from far away. 



But yeah, I'd love to do some so team matches. I did one 5v5 with you guys so far, and I felt lost. The communication was awesome to have, I loved it. But there was so much lingo and terms and builds, I could really use a 10v10 with a noob tutorial. Let me know, I can be on whenever! 



PS: really liked the video. I'm gonna start investing a little bit of time on stuff like that.

Edited by nvts8a
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Firing in bursts works wonders. Aiming at the chest/neck region and letting the recoil pull your aim up can help with headshots.


Crouch as often as possible when firing.


Personally, I jump a lot to evade fire when I'm being shot at. Sometimes it works out.


As someone said, pre-fire small rooms and tight corners. (Ex. The apartments in de_inferno. Anytime you round a corner, spray)

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Firing in bursts works wonders. Aiming at the chest/neck region and letting the recoil pull your aim up can help with headshots.


Crouch as often as possible when firing.


Personally, I jump a lot to evade fire when I'm being shot at. Sometimes it works out.


As someone said, pre-fire small rooms and tight corners. (Ex. The apartments in de_inferno. Anytime you round a corner, spray)



Never crouch :P there is no difference in crouching and standing up you just make yourself easier to hit

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Never crouch :P there is no difference in crouching and standing up you just make yourself easier to hit

Yea never crouch, learn to shoot standing. I sometimes crouch out of bad habit from playing games like Battlefield where crouching makes a big difference.

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Never crouch :P there is no difference in crouching and standing up you just make yourself easier to hit



Yea never crouch, learn to shoot standing. I sometimes crouch out of bad habit from playing games like Battlefield where crouching makes a big difference.


Do the cross hairs exaggerate then? The way the cross hairs tighten when I crouch and how much they widen when I move make it look like a huge difference.

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If you like defence or offence I mainly use SMGs... specifically the UMP or the P90.  Those are good to rush through hallways with.  P90 has 50rds, 2 clips and if you can pull it off you can hit targets a little over mid range.  The UMP tho is more a mid range due to its 25rd clip and its good for about one person.  However, its a good rush gun.

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Do the cross hairs exaggerate then? The way the cross hairs tighten when I crouch and how much they widen when I move make it look like a huge difference.


The crosshairs don't mean shit, your first 3 shots with a ak with always be accurate whether you are standing or crouching as long as you aren't moving. That's why you need to shoot in bursts and you need to learn how long it takes for your crosshairs to reset. You also need to learn the recoil for the weapons. The AK goes up then right then back left. Once you know how a weapon recoils you need to learn the variance, what i mean is if you are 10ft away how much do you need to pull down on your mouse to keep the shots accurate and if you are at 50ft how much do you need to pull down. It will be a huge difference and I really don't suggest spraying at long distances unless you are extremely good and practice this a lot.

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This website helped me out a bit when I first started making the shift from pubbing to competitive play:




Although it is geared towards CS 1.6 and team play, they go over a bit of the mechanics (which haven't changed since the first CS) it has a lot of good advice from experienced people that can help in even casual play. It's not user-friendly, so I'd recommend browsing the articles (they only let CAL-P exp and higher write for them) and looking at the strats section of their forums. 


If you're interested in working on the basics, Steam (surprisingly) uploaded a few good videos (oh wait, none of the videos are actually made by Valve, that explains it!). Here is the link to the page, there are PLENTY on anything you are looking for:




I'd recommend the following, specifically I would go to the section called Gameplay Basics. Look at the guides for common weapons (ak, m4, glock, etc.) and some basic maps. Hatton has a lot of good introductions geared towards beginners covering things from setting your rates to developing strats for team-based play: 




And this guide is the one that I would recommend the most for beginners - although it is written, it is filled with the most useful information all-around on how to play:




If you could only look at one, that should be the one. 


Hope some of that helps. Keep at it! Remember, it will take time to get adjusted. Most of the players here seem to have been playing CS in some form or another for years, even on the competitive level. 

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Wtf...that's weird.


Now, over the years I've taught myself to fire while standing for most games....but didn't CS (back in 1.5-1.6) days actually have greater accuracy when firing? I just remember back in the day reading guides that said that.

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Wtf...that's weird.


Now, over the years I've taught myself to fire while standing for most games....but didn't CS (back in 1.5-1.6) days actually have greater accuracy when firing? I just remember back in the day reading guides that said that.


The guide above even tell new players or players who can't stop to turn off the binding completely to force break any habit you have of doing it. Then after, turn it back on and learn the seldom times you should crouch.


Gonna give a couple games a try, then turn it off if needed. We'll see.

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I'm glad it was helpful! Also, about the crouching...


Crouching was quite helpful in previous versions of CS - in this one, too if you know how to use it. Here's my take on it:


Movement is EXTREMELY important in this game. Standing still, even for a second, makes you much easier to kill as a target. A moving target is much harder to hit in this game than a stationary one. Crouching does improve your accuracy a bit. However, new players, and even solid players rely on it too much, almost as a nervous habit. In a situation where it's 2 enemies vs you or 3 enemies or more vs you, that nervous rush kicks in and you kind of jump to the conclusion in your head that crouching must be the best thing to do (like the author says - a Panic button). Wrong, most of the time at least. Why? Because you're a sitting duck for multiple enemies now, even more so than for one. Chances are, even with that improved accuracy, you can't kill them all before they all kill you (or trade the kill on you even if you pick one off) because you have sacrificed speed, unpredictability in your movement, and potential protective cover for slightly improved accuracy. 


Essentially: the trade-off for crouching isn't worth it, most of the time. The improved accuracy isn't worth sacrificing mobility and being harder to hit yourself - basically, becoming a sitting duck -  in many situations. 


When does it help? Two situations I use it in:


1. If someone has a weapon (typically an awp or ak, but it could be anything) and they're tap-shooting (i.e. ak or m4) or just straight up aiming for your head (awp, deagle), you can crouch to change your level plus improve your accuracy. The effect? They're aiming at your head or torso and you crouch to avoid the HS - but you MUST make sure you return that fire quickly enough to kill them, or at least run for cover if it is available to get to in literally a second or two.


2. If a group of enemies has their backs turned to you, and you have an automatic weapon or a pistol, you could crouch to improve your spray if you think tap-shooting will get you killed quicker than a spray by the time they notice you and return fire. This happens more often than you'd think, more so in competitive matches but in the pub sometimes, as well. You might be in a good spot, and the enemies advance past you without spotting you because they don't check the corner(s) as they rush a site or walk forward to work a pick. 


I have to admit though, I'm not perfect. I sometimes panic and resort to the crouching - unless the other player has horrible aim (hell, that's another time it works!) I'm usually kicking myself after giving them a free kill. 


This is also part of why CS:GO had such a learning curve in terms of mechanics, even for older players: your aim is penalized much more for moving in this version far more than in any other version of CS. There appears to be much more recoil when moving around in GO than in 1.6, and certainly more so than Source. 

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What I tell all my friends how to improve game play..


-Deathmatches, constantly respawnings with your weapon of choice...best way to improve your aim and fully understand the recoil for each guns.


-Watch youtube videos (esea matches, pro matches, and my favorite is Hatton videos)  great way to learn 5v5 strats and playing styles.


-Not many ppl like the matchmaking but its one of the easiest options to get a quick 5v5 match. 


-Practice Practice Practice...


-A nice pair of headsets.   Sound is so crucial in this game.  I use Siberia V2 which have good sound  but I perfer my Bose headset since the sound quality is so much my crisp, down fall is theres no mic.


-The new default crosshair set up in csgo...annoys the heck out of me.  I use a thick pink classic static hair cross.  almost like hattons but modified to my preference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDMH7CSdiAE

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SO! Reading a lot, do you guys do the stutter step? Where you press the opposite direction after strafing left or right to lose momentum and gain accuracy quicker. I've been practicing, but can't be sure if I'm doing it right, looking for a video to compare and mimic, haven't found one yet.


Also I read somewhere that when using guns like the SG and AUG don't use the scope, that you're better off without it. Can anyone explain why or argue if it's true or not? I LOVE using the SG for the scope.

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Agree 100% with the people saying not to crouch. I used to do the good ol' jump-crouch  in CS 1.6 to get kills but in CS:GO it's pretty much a death sentence to crouch because you're bound to get hit by a bullet in the face from someone spraying at random in your direction before you can hit them.


Using the scope of the SG and AUG make you less accurate if you aren't firing in 1-3 round bursts and it irritates the crap out of me. It is is rarely useful and if you are zoomed in and an enemy pops up right in front of you and you're zoomed in on their chest, you'll still miss them.

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AWPs are easy... Don't peek them :D


Can't stress how many people annoy me with this in scrims and such. In the pub I'll do it just for fun, but in a serious match peeking an awper is probably the dumbest thing you can do unless you have to actually are entering a site covered by an awper.



For this situation lets use rushing B site on inferno where you know there is an awper in ct spawn looking into the site


1) Best Situation: Smoke him off and force him to move closer or go construction where the area is more advantageous for a rifler.


2) Good Situation: No smoke or smoke is thrown poorly. Must rely on flashes to safe peek him or just make him turn away so you can cross and get a plant down


3) Bad Situation: Entering site dry without any nades. So there are another three things you can do in this shitty situation lets say 1v1 bomb is down teammate calls out awper in ct spawn looking at the bomb next to the water fountain. 


(A) Bait Peek his shot: I don't know if you know what I'm talking about here but this is where a person press the buttons ADADAD next to a corner spot so an awper sees him and shoots hopefully missing and then you can just shoot him.


( B) Just jump across and pray he misses, find cover and plant


(C) Third one I guess is baiting his shot and then running for the bomb. This is probably the safest option and the one i do the most



This situation is very generic and can go many ways depending on guns you actually have vs how much health the awper has vs time left etc etc...


edit lol turns the B into sunglasses and C into copyright.. AWESOME

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So update! It's only been a week since I started this thread and taking everything in account and practicing, I'm surprised how much I've improved. Starting to get games where K:D is is above 1 and lasting longer in matches or even sometimes surviving! Thanks everyone for helping the newb out! It's easier to practice when you've got something to practice at, not just mindlessly trying to figure it all out.

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